March, 2020
Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab for Cutie is a band that we love. They have been around since 1997 and have released 9 albums over that time. Their commercially successful album to-date is their seventh album 'Codes and Keys'. 'You are a Tourist' was the first single from the album.
Death Cab for Cutie hail from Bellingham, Washington and started of as a solo project by Ben Gibbard. The project was quickly expanded into a fully fledged band with the release of their first album 'Something About Airplanes'.
'Transatlanticism' was their fourth album which launched them into the mainstream. 'The Sound of Settling' is a great song from the album, which has an interesting video.
''Thank you for Today' is the band's ninth album and is one of our all time favorites. There are no filler songs on this album. Death Cab for Cutie are a band to love.
The band is constantly touring. Shows and tickets are available on the band's website.